The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Help in Medicine

The term AI in healthcare it is responsible for medicine, diagnosis, medical statics and human biology, to name a few (Hamet 2018). Furthermore, universal healthcare has become dynamic due to the transformations in the human lifecycle. Nowadays, people’s life expectancy is prolonged as a result of AI in healthcare. Moreover, AI aids medical practitioners to access a patient’s health risks and proceeds to use a huge database of information to not only improve the quality of care but also to monitor and advise the patients on the side effects of certain medication. Moreover, the impact of AI in the healthcare industry is optimistic with technologically advanced tools, which in turn enable better decision-making, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic and acute illnesses (Bdulaziz 2017).

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

The main benefit of AI is to allow doctors and other medical experts to make a more accurate and faster diagnosis, as AI uses algorithms and data-science from the human body to make a diagnosis in such a way that a doctor cannot, this gives practitioners the ability to take immediate action against diseases that may otherwise become severe. AI is also used to store patient’s information and act as the primary source of information of patients. So, the efficiency of accessing important information including existing condition, medical history, family history and prior diagnosis’s is made easier. Additionally, AI has also been used in disease analysis by immediate recognition of pathological areas in an electrocardiography, ultrasound, X-rays and other various types of scans.

Ethical Issues of Using AI in Healthcare

There are many major ethical issues arising from the impact of AI in healthcare. One of these major ethical issues is that the increasing capabilities of AI will eventually replace medical practitioners in the near future and reduce the number jobs in the healthcare field. However, placing a machine in a position of authority regarding patient care troubles many people is also be debated. Furthermore, the use AI diagnoses patients based on algorithms and is not swayed by emotions or by what is socially perceived as ethical. In correspondence, there are various issues which cause a sense of uncertainty among scientists and doctors with the use of AI. However, despite the negative ethical concerns that arise from AI, it aids medical professionals to push limits. As per example researches located at Drum Tower Hospital in Nanjing, China, have claimed to have developed a smart software that can diagnose prostate cancer from tissue samples. “This may be very useful in some areas where there is a lack of trained pathologists. Like all automation, this will lead to a lesser reliance on human expertise,”. AI will feel fake as it does not have algorithms equipped to sympathise and empathise when interacting with a patient and hence the trust of the patient in the AI may not be as strong as that of a human doctor due to the non-existence of human emotions.